To illustrate the necessity of digital change and the possibilities of professional digitization, kleioforum initiates its own projects or projects in cooperation with associations, universities, etc. The purpose of the projects is to transfer cultural content into the digital space and to safeguard cultural assets and make them accessible to future generations as cultural heritage and living memory.

KulTOUR Limmattal

Let's connect dance! - Community und wachsende Job-Plattform des Verbandes Dance Suisse

FatArt - Creating feminist solidarity in art and curating

Smart-up - Alumni Organisation der HSLU

Visarte Bern - Gemeinsam sichtbar werden

Visarte Graubünden - Gemeinsam sichtbar werden

Visarte Lichtenstein - Gemeinsam sichtbar werden

Visarte Zentralschweiz - Gemeinsam sichtbar werden

Visarte Zürich - Gemeinsam sichtbar werden


Swiss Art Mapping

